Home Buyer: How much home do you need? It’s a question that you have to ask yourself when you decide that you want to buy a new home. If you are selling and buying a new one, do you need to upsize or downsize? If you’re a first time home buyer, it will determine what you are looking for. It’s one of the first questions that your Realtor will ask you. So, how do you decide?
So how do you decide how much home you need? Ask yourself some questions. First, what size is your family? Are you a couple first starting out? Do you plan on having a child or more children? Do you want each child to have their own bedroom or will they share?
Next question: what is your budget? That will certainly determine the type and size of home you can look at. Regardless of family size, if you have a small budget, you can’t afford a huge house in great shape.
What square footage will it take to fit your lifestyle? Do you need a lot of storage? Do you have hobbies that will require a lot of square footage? So how much home do you need?
One thing to keep in mind is the difference between what you want and what you need. Asking yourself these questions can help you determine the difference. Of course we all want the biggest and best, but budgets can make that difficult or even impossible. However, there are ways to get what you need and make it into what you want. Discussing all these things with your Realtor will help him or her narrow the search down to exactly what you need, can afford and make it into your dream home.
So home buyer, how much home do you need? Only you can answer that but with a Realtor’s help you can make a good decision.